Sará Reynolds Green

  “We’ve taught them how to plant, how to harvest, how to sell, because they’re apart of the customer relations in selling the produce, how to cook, and how to serve,” says Marshview Community Organic Farm’s founder Sará Reynolds Green. To learn more about the after-school program, watch the exclusive interview with Sará by clicking on the photograph.

Ben C. Johnson Jr.

When Ben C. Johnson Jr. graduated from high school, he left South Carolina with no intentions of returning to his roots. But upon retirement he found himself back on the same farmland that he was raised on as a child. He now teaches his grandchildren the same agriculture methods his parents used. Filmed and editedContinue reading “Ben C. Johnson Jr.”

Official First Look at The Gullah Project

  “If you’re fortunate enough to have a quarter of an acre of land, that’s a good thing. ‘Cause that’s yours.” —Ben Johnson Jr., Gullah farmer on St. Helena Island, S.C., on resisting tourism development.    Travel to St. Helena Island, S.C., where Gullah / Geechee residents farm and fish much the way their ancestors have onContinue reading “Official First Look at The Gullah Project”