Hida Visuals joins The Gullah Project

The Gullah Project proudly announces our partnership with Hida Visuals. Andrew Hida, co-founder of Spēk Pictures, will take the lead in editing the documentary film due out in December. Hida is a multimedia storyteller and visual journalist who specializes in telling stories about health, environmental, and social justice issues and photojournalism, which was a key element in our decision toContinue reading “Hida Visuals joins The Gullah Project”

Introducing, Frank Major Sr.

Frank Major, a local St. Helena Island commercial crab fisherman, graciously allowed the team to travel with him on his boat in the waters surrounding the island, while he checked his crab traps also known as pots for blue crabs. To learn more about Frank and to see our journey on the water click onContinue reading “Introducing, Frank Major Sr.”

Marshview Community Organic Farm

    “Building their entrepreneurship talents each child has got a talent of their own. Now some has public speaking, we’ve given them a camera, they’ve been photographers, they’ve been making jewelry,” says Marshview Community Organic Farm’s founder Sará Reynolds Green. To learn more about the after-school program, and to see the complete album click the photograph.

Q&A with About Harvest

We’re getting noticed! The Gullah Project‘s Director Denise McGill talks food and agriculture in this exclusive Q&A with About Harvest’s Nancy O’Mallon. About Harvest provides quality stories about food and agriculture in order to inform, entertain, and connect the public to the food that is on their plates. Click the photograph below to read the full article.

Capt. Joseph “Crip” Legree

Capt. Joseph “Crip” Legree is a lifelong resident of St. Helena Island. He only received a fifth-grade education. He once made his living as a net maker, a trade made obsolete by Chinese imports. He now drives his Cadillac as a sort of personal taxi, helping other senior citizens run errands in exchange for gasContinue reading “Capt. Joseph “Crip” Legree”